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Senin, 20 Januari 2014

3DS MAX Steampunk Sword Modeling Tutorial Tutorial (part 2)

46. The sword seams that it has a trigger. At this step I will make the hole for this trigger. Select and apply an “Inset” on the polygons from the first image and then you need to extrude those polygons to the interior. At the end, we will chamfer the border of that hole. You have every step in the next images :

47. Here you have an image with my mesh for the trigger. Just make a box and give it the same shape :

48. Select and apply a “Chamfer” on these edges :

49. Go to the “Spline” menu and make a line like I did :

50. Add some thickness to the line and place it like me :

51. Unhide the cylinder, make a copy of it and hide it back. Place the copy in the same spot as me. Modify the “Radius” to 15.5 and the “height” to 26.0 :

52. Hide the other parts because now we will work on this one. In the following you have the basic modeling tehniques that I showed you from the beggining ot the tutorial until now. Just follow the images and if you need help, you can find me on the forum :) :

53. let’s add some details to this object using the “Array” tool. First, create a sphere and delete a half :

54. From the side view, use the scale tool to squash a little bit the sphere :

55. Stick the semi-sphere to our mesh and keep it selected, then activate the “Snaps Toogle”. Go to the Hierarchy > Pivot > Affect pivot only > and move it on the pivot of our object.

56. Now deactivate the “Snaps Toggle” and the “Affect Pivot Only” but keep the semi-sphere selected . Go to “Tool” > “Array” and a window will appear. Use to top viewport and make these settings :

57. Press OK and delete the selected copies :

58. Add another row of these semi-spheres a little bit lower and make the seams like me :

59. Unhide the hidden cylinder and use the “Scale” tool to strech it a little bit to cover the base of the blade :

60. Now make a box like me and place it in the same spot. :

61. Make a copy of that box, make it vertically and then hide it. When you are done, select the first box that is touching the base of the blade then go to the “Geometry” > “Compound Objects” > “Boolean” . Be sure that you choose “Substraction (B-A)”, the click on the “Pick Operand B” and click on the streched cylinder which represents the base of the blade and here is the result that you should have :

62. Use the “Cut” tool to create the same edges as me :

63. Grab the entire edges of the hole, hold the shift button and drag it down a little bit:

64. Select the exterior edges and connect them with 4 rows of edges :

65. Select the same polygons as me and extrude them with the same amount :

66. Select the same edges, connect them with 2 rows of edges, then select the same polygons and apply a negative “Extrude” on them :

67. Apply a “Chamfer” on these edges :

68. The next item that we will make , is the presure gauge. To do this, we will start from a cylinder. Make a cylinder with the same dimensions and place it like me, in the same spot :

69. Convert the cylinder into an “Editable Poly” then delete the polygon from behind (the one which is not visible). Then select the front polygon and apply an “Inset” with the same amout :

70. Keep the polygon selected and apply a “Extrude” on it. Use a negative amount to push it to the interior :

71. Connect the selected edges with 2 rows of new edges and then drag them a little bit forward :

72. Select and connect the interior edges with the same amount as me. Then do the same thing for the exterior edges with some different values (see the image) :

73. Apply a “Chamfer” on these 2 last rows of edges that we have made :

74. Select the polygons between them and apply an “Extrude” on them, then apply a “Chamfer” on the edges tomake them sharper :

75. Now, select the middle polygon, apply an “Inset” on him, then detach it. For the gauge you can make a texture or you can model the details. Its up to you. I have used a cylinder and a box to make the indicator and then, I have made a copy of the rear polygon, and use it as protection :

76. Use the line tool to create more cables/hoses. If you need help, use our forum :

77. Let’s move forward and make the blade. Normally you should have a hidden “Box”. Unhide it and delete the bottom polygon, then place it in the same position :

78. Grab the top vertices of the box and drag them to the same place like a did :

79. Select the top polygon, then use “Extrude” to push him upward and weld the vertices to achieve the same result as me :

80. Add new rows and follow the shape of the blade :

81. Grab the same polygons as me (be sure that you select all those polygons on each side, and then apply an “Inset” on them :

82. Add 2 more rows of edges in this place :

83. Use the “Cut” tool to create these two edges :

84. Weld the selected vertices :

85. Now select these edges then apply a “Chamfer” on them. Don’t forget that the edges need to be selected on the other side too :

86. If you will apply a smooth modifier on everything that we have made until now, this is what you should have :

87. Now make another nut, like the one that we have made at the begining of this tutorial and place it here. Then make a cylinder and place it like on the blueprint. Don’t forget to delete the top and the bottom polygon. Like this you won’t need to chamfer the edges :

88. Follow the next images to make the next parts. There is nothing new, just use the techniques that we have used util now. If you are a beginner I think that if you read carrefuly the tutorial from the beginning your should not have any kind of problems :

89. Now its just the same thing. Make a copy of the nut and make the next objects. Its just the same process that we have made until now. Here you have the images to help you :) :

90. For the pipes make some lines then add some thinkness and you are done :) .

Well, below you have my result. Don’t forget to leave a comment and tell me what do you think about this tutorial. I think that it is a very good tutorial for every beginner because the steps are very well explaine and at the final steps of this tutorial, the reader can use the techniques that he learned at the begining to finish the model. If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask on the forum. I will not help here. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Don’t forget to leave a comment on the website. NO COMMENTS = NO MORE FREE TUTORIALS :D

Steampunk Sword – 3DS Max modeling tutorial

89. Now its just the same thing. Make a copy of the nut and make the next objects. Its just the same process that we have made until now. Here you have the images to help you :) :

90. For the pipes make some lines then add some thinkness and you are done :) .

Well, below you have my result. Don’t forget to leave a comment and tell me what do you think about this tutorial. I think that it is a very good tutorial for every beginner because the steps are very well explaine and at the final steps of this tutorial, the reader can use the techniques that he learned at the begining to finish the model. If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask on the forum. I will not help here. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Don’t forget to leave a comment on the website. NO COMMENTS = NO MORE FREE TUTORIALS :D

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