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Senin, 20 Januari 2014

3DS MAX Creating a Snow House in 3DS Max Tutorial (part 2)

Step Hundred
Add a Free Camera in the Front viewport as shown.
Figure 100.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Hundred and One
Adjust its position and orientation.
Figure 101.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Hundred and Two
Assign the camera to Perspective viewport.
Figure 102.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Hundred and Three
Further adjust the camera viewport with the camera navigation tools.
Figure 103.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Hundred and Four
Choose Rendering > Effects.
Figure 104.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Hundred and Five
Add “Depth of Field” effect from the list.
Figure 105.  Click here to view larger image.

Step Hundred and Six
Adjust the Depth of Field parameters after assigning this effect to the Camera01 (by Picking the Camera in the viewport).
Figure 106.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Hundred and Seven
Render the scene.
Figure 107.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Hundred and Eight
We need a little bumpy effect for the snow material. So, select the material and assign “Cellular” map to its Bump slot.
Figure 108.  Click here to view larger image.

Step Hundred and Nine
Set the size to 0.1.
Figure 109.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Hundred and Ten
Go to Parent and lower the Bump value to 5.
Figure 110.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Hundred and Eleven
Render the scene again.
Figure 111.  Click here to view larger image.

Step Hundred and Twelve
Let’s assign the snowy material to the trees as well. Select all the tree groups.
Figure 112.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Hundred and Thirteen
Choose 8th empty material slot. Then drag the earlier composite (brick-wall + snow in the lower portion) material to this new material slot.
Figure 113.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Hundred and Fourteen
Change the name to Snow Tree. Then drag the green material to the Mat1 slot of this copied Composite material.
Figure 114.  Click here to view larger image.

Step Hundred and Fifteen
When asked, choose “Copy” option.
Figure 115.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Hundred and Sixteen
Click on the Mat.2 materials slot.
Figure 116.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Hundred and Seventeen
Under Maps roll-out, click on Opacity map slot (Gradient) to edit the gradient parameters a bit.
Figure 117.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Hundred and Eighteen
Adjust the parameters as shown.
Figure 118.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Hundred and Nineteen
Assign this composite material to the selected tree groups.
Figure 119.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Hundred and Twenty
Render the scene. Needs lesser bumpiness.
Figure 120.  Click here to view larger image.

Step Hundred and Twenty One
Click Go to Parent button.
Figure 121.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Hundred and Twenty Two
Decrease the Bump value to 10. Render again.
Figure 122.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Hundred and Twenty Three
Let’s apply a MeshSmooth modifier to all the trees to see if smoothness imposes better impression for these trees.
Figure 123.  Click here to view larger image.

Step Hundred and Twenty Four
Adjust the MeshSmooth parameters as shown.
Figure 124.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Hundred and Twenty Five
Render the scene again. Keep experimenting (but not today, you may be a bit tired) and hopefully you will be able to make much more nice snow house than mine. I just wanted to show some techniques in this tutorial and I will be happy if those can be helpful for your 3dsmax learning. If you can get better options to make such scenes please don’t hesitate to share it with us.
Figure 125.  Click here to view larger image.
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