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Senin, 20 Januari 2014

3DS MAX Creating a Swimming Pool in 3DS Max - Part One Tutorial

This tutorial deals with creating a swimming pool using Autodesk 3ds Max. By going through the step by step tutorial you would be able to create your own model with different shapes as you wish. The final image should be like the one shown below:
Final Rendered Image of the swimming pool.
Step One
First let us start by creating a plane and then move it to the origin points (0,0,0) as shown below.
Figure 1.
Step Two
Now let us convert the plane that we created to an Editable Polygon by right clicking on the mouse as shown below.
Figure 2.
Step Three
Switch to Edge selection Mode. Select the Edge and by holding the shift key move the edge along X-Axis as shown below.
Figure 2.

Step Four
Now let us remove the Edge and the Vertex as shown below.
Figure 4.
Step Five
Now let us Extrude the polygon to -7 units as shown below. Now I hope we have some what achieved to create a shape of a swimming pool.
Figure 5.
Step Six
Now let us create an edge using the slice tool as shown below.
Figure 6.
Step Seven
Now move the below shown Edge of the polygon a bit up as shown below.
Figure 7.
Step Eight
Now switch On the Snap Tool and create a line as shown below.
Figure 8.
Step Nine
Clone the Spline that we just Created. Name one of it water and hide it as shown below.
Figure 9.

Step Ten
Now select the remaining spline. Use the the outline tool. Name it Tiles as shown below.
Figure 10.
Step Eleven
Now let us select the Tiles Spline and by Use Extrude Modifier let us extrude it by 0.25 units as shown below.
Figure 11.
Step Twelve
Now let us unhide the Water Spline and then Clone it and name the cloned spline as Ground as shown below.
Figure 12.

Step Thirteen
Select the Ground Spline and then go to top view and deselect the spline and then uncheck (Start New Shape) and now you have to create a Rectangle as shown below.
Figure 13.
Step Fourteen
Convert Water & Ground Splines to Editable Polygon as shown below.
Figure 14.
Step Fifteen
Move the water polygon a bit down as shown below.
Figure 15.

Step Sixteen
Now let us select the water polygon and use Subdivide Modifier and set the size value to 0.5 units as shown below.
Figure 16.
Step Seventeen
Now let us apply Displace Modifier to water polygon so that it will look like water body, you can play with parameters to get the best results or else you just enter the parameters as in the below image.
Figure 17.
Step Eighteen
Draw a line as shown in the picture.
Figure 18.  Click here to view larger image.

Step Nineteen
Change the rendering Options of the spline we just created as shown below.
Figure 19.
Step Twenty
Duplicate the Spline as shown below.
Figure 20.
Step Twenty One
Create three boxes for the steps as seen in the below image. Now let us stop the tutorial here, I hope you have learned how to model the swimming pool, in the next part I will show you how to render the same.
Figure 21.  Click here to view larger image.
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