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Senin, 20 Januari 2014

3DS MAX Modeling a Bedroom Suite: Tutorial for Beginners Tutorial (continous)

Step One
First we need reference pictures to help us in choosing the right furniture. I almost always go to Ikea when I need inspiration for these types of models. Here is the bed I have chosen. It is quite simple to model but has lots of things to do.
Figure 1.
Step Two
First let’s start on the headboard. In the front viewport create a rectangle shape (Create > Shapes > Rectangle). Drag it out like below. Now right click it and select ‘Convert to…….Editable Spline’. Turn on the 3d snap button (circled red), right click the rectangle again, and this time choose ‘Refine’. Click twice in the middle of the rectangle to make two extra vertices.
Figure 2.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Three
That done right click anywhere to deselect the refine button. Now area select the two new vertices and drag them upwards. I also narrowed the rectangle a little. Press ‘1’ on the keyboard to deselect the vertex mode and from the modifier list choose ‘Extrude’.
Figure 2.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Four
In the top viewport extrude the rectangle by around 40,0cm or whatever you think is better.
Figure 4.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Five
Now right click and choose ‘Convert to….Editable Poly’. CRTL+R to rotate the viewport. Hit ‘2’ on the keyboard to enter Edge mode. CRTL + select all the edges along to sides.
Figure 5.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Six
With the edges still selected, click the Chamfer button and drag the edges a little.
Figure 6.  Click here to view larger image.

Step Seven
Back in the front viewport, hold the SHIFT key and drag down a little to make a copy. When the copy dialogue box appears, make sure you have ‘copy’ selected.
Figure 7.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Eight
Hit ‘1’ to enter vertex mode and CRTL + select all the lower vertices. Drag them downwards then right click and choose ‘Scale’. Scale the vertices along the Y axis to make a straight line.
Figure 8.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Nine
Now create a box (Create > Standard Primitives > Box) and drag it out in the front viewport. Position it correctly and convert it to an editable poly. On edge mode, CRTL + select the four edges and chamfer them.
Figure 9.  Click here to view larger image.

Step Ten
In the top view, SHIFT + drag to copy and position correctly. Create a circle (Create > Shapes > Circle) in the front viewport along with a rectangle. Give the rectangle slightly curved corners.
Figure 10.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Eleven
Convert the rectangle to an editable spline and hit ‘Attach’. Now click the circle to make one shape. Hit ‘3’ for the spline mode and select the rectangle again. Scroll down the right hand options until you find ‘Boolean’. Click it then click the circle. If they don’t become one complete shape you may have to move them slightly.
Figure 11.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Twelve
Hit ‘3’ again to exit the sub-object mode and click the modifier list. From there choose ‘Lathe’. Change degrees to 180 and segments to 32. SHIFT drag to copy and reposition.
Figure 12.  Click here to view larger image.

Step Thirteen
The rest of the bed frame to made of the same objects copied and in some cases, modified a little.
Figure 13.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Fourteen
The mattress is simply a box converted to an editable poly with the edges chamfered twice.
Figure 14.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Fifteen
We now need a couple of pillows. This is where it can get complicated. Start with a box with 6 length segments, 5 width segments and 2 height segments. Create it in the top viewport then CRTL+R to rotate the viewport and position it correctly.
Figure 15.  Click here to view larger image.

Step Sixteen
Convert it to an editable poly. Now in the left viewport area select these vertices (using CRTL to multi select). Scale them out a little and also move them downwards.
Figure 16.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Seventeen
Do the same in the front viewport.
Figure 17.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Eighteen
Exit the vertex sub-object mode and add a Meshsmooth modifier from the modifier list. Give it 2 iterations for a smoother finish.
Figure 18.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Nineteen
It still needs a more irregular surface. Turn on the show end result button (circled red) and go back to vertex sub-object mode. If you expand the ‘Soft selection’ panel and check ‘Use Soft selection’, you can affect other vertices by moving just one. Change the value of the falloff to get different results. This is where you just have to experiment by moving vertices and seeing what works best.
Figure 19.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Twenty
SHIFT + drag to make a copy, then tweak the vertices to make the new pillow slightly different.
Figure 20.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Twenty One
The quilt we can make in exactly the same way as the pillows. The only difference here is that we make it much thinner and we only make half of it. The other half we can copy later.
Figure 21.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Twenty Two
When you are more or less happy with the results, delete the meshsmooth modifier and CRTL select all the polys in the side we are going to copy and delete them.
Figure 22.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Twenty Three
In the top viewport, use the Mirror tool (circled red) to make a copy. Make sure you have the right Mirror Axis (in this case it’s X).
Figure 23.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Twenty Four
Attach the two objects and area select the middle vertices (here there are 32). Hit the weld button and there should then be 16. If there isn’t, try scaling the vertices along the X axis.
Figure 24.  Click here to view larger image.

Step Twenty Five
Add the mesh smooth modifier again and you will probably have to tweak the vertices again.
Figure 25.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Twenty Six
That’s the bed finished, and it was probably the most difficult. The next piece of furniture are two bed side cabinets. I am not going to go into great detail as they are made in exactly the same way as the bed frame. Here’s the reference image.
Figure 26.
Step Twenty Seven
The side made from a rectangle then extruded, chamfered, etc.
Figure 27.

Step Twenty Eight
Remember to chamfer the edges you will see in the final render and not the ones you won’t see.
Figure 28.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Twenty Nine
The drawer is made from a copy of one of the shelves (so it doesn’t open) and scaled along the Y axis. The handle is just a cylinder scaled and chamfered.
Figure 29.
Step Thirty
The wardrobe is another very easy object to make. The only difference here is that it has a mirror.
Figure 30.

Step Thirty One
The handles are just cylinders that have been scaled at one end.
Figure 31.  Click here to view larger image.
Step Thirty Two
As I use Vray to render, making mirrors is really simple. All you have to do is bump up the Reflection to 100% white and there’s your mirror.
Figure 32.
Step Thirty Three
The dressing table just the same as the bedside table but with a few alterations.
Figure 33.
Chrome Pointer